Preprint about Kitaev bilayer materials

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Check out the new preprint 2412.17495 by LEP members Antonia Duft, Patrick Adelhardt, and Kai Phillip Schmidt entitled „Quantum Phase Diagram of the Bilayer Kitaev-Heisenberg Model“. Great collaboration with Elahe Samimi and Saeed S. Jahromi from Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan.

We study the ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the bilayer honeycomb lattice with large-scale tensor network calculations based on the infinite projected entangled pair state technique as well as high-order series expansions. We find that beyond various magnetically ordered phases, including ferromagnetic, zigzag, antiferromagnetic (AFM) and stripy states, two extended quantum spin liquid phases arise in the proximity of the Kitaev limit. While these ordered phases also appear in the monolayer Kitaev-Heisenberg model, our results further show that a valence bond solid state emerges in a relatively narrow range of parameter space between the AFM and stripy phases, which can be adiabatically connected to isolated Heisenberg dimers. Our results highlight the importance of considering interlayer interactions on the emergence of novel quantum phases in the bilayer Kitaev materials.