New preprint arXiv:2405.12405 entitled „Unprecedented Fractional Magnetization Plateaus in a New Shastry-Sutherland Ising Compound“! Nice experimental-theory collaboration between Duke University, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Oak Ridge National Lab, and National H...
LEP members Patrick Adelhardt, Antonia Duft, Sumeet, and Kai Phillip Schmidt have attended the international conference „Entanglement in strongly correlated systems“ at the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual in Spain. They have exchanged about our recent advances on quantum magnets with l...
Robin Krill successfully defended his master project entitled "Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations for Extended Bose-Hubbard Models" at the University of the Saarland (UdS). He has been jointly supervised by Giovanna Morigi (UdS) and Kai Phillip Schmidt from LEP. In his thesis he developped and applied ...
A team from Erlangen successfully participated in the German Physicists' Tournament (GPT) and reached the final. The team finished 3rd after teams from Aachen and Munich.
The GPT 2025 took place in Heidelberg. The GPT is a competition where students have to work on open physics problems. At the t...
LEP member Chelsea has opened her own instagram channel (@science_chelsea). The science giraffe chelsea acts as our outreach voice who reports on our activities in the domain of Quantum Science of Light and Matter and gives insights behind the scenes. Follow her to learn more!
New publication entitled „Quantum-critical and dynamical properties of the XXZ bilayer with long-range interactions“ in Physical Review B (see Nice collaboration between LEP members Patrick Adelhardt, Antonia Duft, and Kai Phillip S...
Check out the new preprint 2412.17495 by LEP members Antonia Duft, Patrick Adelhardt, and Kai Phillip Schmidt entitled „Quantum Phase Diagram of the Bilayer Kitaev-Heisenberg Model“. Great collaboration with Elahe Samimi and Saeed S. Jahromi from Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zan...
Colloidal particles can form network-like structures that slowly change in time. The dynamics of such gels varies a lot such that some gels are fluid-like while others are solid. However, the structural differences might be small .
In a new article we show that neural networks nevertheless can di...
On 09.12. we had the great PhD defense of Matthias Walther under the supervision of Kai Phillip Schmidt. His thesis is entitled „Effective models for interacting Spin waves in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets“. In particular, he developed non-perturbative continuous similarity transformation...
Nothing works as it should in the Physics Department, because … Physics has disappeared. How could this happen? Who is responsible for the disappearance?
What a great show! On December 3, 2024 the Christmas lecture 2024 of the physics department took place with more than 700 spectators. This yea...