Quantum Science of Light and Matter (Schmidt)
Finished theses in the Quantum Science of Light and Matter group (Kai Phillip Schmidt)
- Matthias Mühlhauser
Graph decomposition techniques for quantum spin systems with multi-spin interactions
finished 2024-12
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Matthias Walther
Effective models for interacting spin waves in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets
finished 2024-12
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Max Hörmann
Effect of quenched disorder on spectral densities of gapped quantum antiferromagnets
finished 2022-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Carolin Boos
SU(N) chiral spin liquids and spin-1/2 plaquette phases in 2D Mott insulators
finished 2020-05
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Sebastian Fey
Investigation of zero-temperature transverse-field Ising models with long-range interactions
finished 2020-05
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Dominik Ixert
Nichtperturbative Linked-Cluster Entwicklungen für unkonventionelle Mottisolatoren
finished 2016-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Kris Coester
Quasiparticle pictures and graphs - from perturbative to non-perturbative linked-cluster expansions
finished 2016-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Gregor Raphael Foltin
Physik exotischer Magnetisierungsplateaus des frustrierten Quantenmagneten SrCu2(BO3)2
finished 2014-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Marc Daniel Schulz
Topological phase transitions driven by non-Abelian anyons
finished 2013-12
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Michael Kamfor
Robustness and spectroscopy of the toric code in a magnetic field
finished 2013-04
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt
- Harald Leiser
One quasi-particle properties of 1d quantum spin-systems by non-perturbative linked-cluster expansions
finished 2024-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Florian Simon
Quantum-critical properties of long-range Heisenberg ladders with quantum Monte Carlo simulations
finished 2024-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Maximilian Bayer
On the study of bound states in quantum lattice models
finished 2024-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Lukas Schamriss
Extracting quantum-critical properties from directly evaluated enhanced perturbative continuous unitary transformations
finished 2024-01
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Antonia Duft
High-order series expansions and the determination of crystalline structures for Rydberg atom arrays
finished 2023-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Calvin Krämer
Quantum-critical properties of random transverse-field Ising models extracted by quantum Monte Carlo simulations
finished 2022-12
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Viktor Kott
Linked-Cluster Expansions of Perturbed Topological Phases
finished 2022-11
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Ray Wiedmann
Fractal Quantum Criticality in the Newman-Moore Model in a transverse field investigated using linked-cluster expansions
finished 2022-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Andreas Schellenberger
Spectral Properties of the One- and Two-Quasi-Particle Channel in the Polarized Phase of the Kitaev Model with External Magnetic Field
finished 2021-11
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Leon Schiller
Ising Models on Frustrated Chains in a Light Induced Quantised Transverse Field
finished 2021-11
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Anja Langheld
Quantum-critical properties of the one-dimensional long-range transverse-field Ising model extracted by quantum Monte Carlo simulations
finished 2021-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Jan Alexander Koziol
Quantum criticality of the long-range transverse-field Ising model on the square lattice - A quantum Monte Carlo study
finished 2021-02
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Lea Lenke
Higher order series expansion of non-Hermitian quantum spin models
finished 2020-12
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Nico Bassler
Effect of domain walls in bilayer graphene in an external magnetic field
finished 2020-05
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Patrick Adelhardt
Quantum Criticality of Long-Range Generalized Quantum Spin Systems
finished 2020-05
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Matthias Walther
Breakdown of topological type-II fracton phases
finished 2019-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Matthias Mühlhauser
Robustness of fracton phases under magnetic fields
finished 2018-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - David Reiß
Robustness and quantum phase transitions of three-dimensional topological order
finished 2017-11
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Julian Gritsch
Breakdown of topological order in the bilayer Kitaev model
finished 2017-11
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Max Hörmann
Dynamical corelations of disordered one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets
finished 2017-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Julia Röcher
Spin Liquid and Quantum Phase Transition Without Symmetry Breaking in a Frustrated Three-dimensional Ising Model
finished 2016-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Marvin Hille
Series Expansions for Frustrated Spin-One Quantum Magnets
finished 2016-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Jonas Haarz
Quantum critical breakdown of a gapless frustrated antiferromagnet
finished 2016-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Wiebke Malitz
Quantum quenches in low-dimensional ordered quantum magnets in the thermodynamic limit
finished 2016-05
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Carolin Boos
Mott physics of SU(N)-Hubbard models from the strong-coupling perspective
finished 2016-04
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Koray Oender
Optimierung von Reihenentwicklungen für frustrierte Quantenmagnete durch Molekularfeldansätze
finished 2016-04
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Maik Malki
Topologische Eigenschaften des frustrierten Quantenmagneten SrCu2(BO3)2
finished 2015-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Philipp Hermeling
Breakdown of the Abelian topological phase in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model
finished 2015-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Frederik Herbst
Nichtperturbative graphen-basierte kontinuierliche unitäre Transformation für eindimensionale frustrierte Quantenmagnete
finished 2014-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Marcel Bornemann
Detecting quantum phase transitions via entanglement entropies
finished 2014-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Sebastian Clever
Beschreibung kollektiver Anregungen mittels graphen-basierter kontinuierlicher unitärer Transformationen in zwei Dimensionen
finished 2014-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Sebastian Fey
Field-driven instabilities of the non-Abelian topological phase in the Kitaev model
finished 2013-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Dominik Ixert
Effektive Niederenergiebeschreibung der Mottphase zweidimensionaler Hubbardmodelle
finished 2013-01
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Henning Kalis
Stabilität von zweidimensionalen, messungsbasierten Quanten-Computern
finished 2012-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Michael Powalski
Quantum paramagnetism of the triagular and kagome transverse field Ising model
finished 2012-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Mike Nemec
Relevanz von Quantenfluktuationen für die Magnetisierungsplateaus in SrCu2(BO3)2
finished 2012-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Johannes-Konstantin Splinter
Untersuchung der magnetischen Eigenschaften der antiferromagnetischen Spin S=1/2 Zweibeinleiter mittels graphen-basierter kontinuierlicher unitärer Transformation
finished 2012-08
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Kris Cöster
Series expansions for dimerized quantum spin systems
finished 2011-11
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Daniel Klagges
Herausforderungen für messungsbasierte Quantencomputer in effektiven Cluster-States
finished 2011-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Gregor Foltin
Two- and three-body interacting hardcore bosons in one dimension
finished 2010-05
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Marc Daniel Schulz
Breakdown of a Z3 topological phase
finished 2010-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Michael Kamfor
Effective low-energy theory for the kagomerized Kitaev model
finished 2009-08
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt
- Jakob Heidweiler
Hole properties of the mixed-dimensional t-J-ladder from series expansions
finished 2024-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Jonas Leibig
Perturbative approach to the quantum phase transition in the Dicke-Ising chain
finished 2023-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Markus Pirke
Numerical linked cluster expansions for the transverse field Ising model
finished 2022-08
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Lion Mücke
Superradiante Phasen einer Quantenspinkette in einem optischen Resonator
finished 2021-04
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Maximilian Bayer
Low-field series expansion of the long-range transverse-field Ising model on the square lattice
finished 2021-04
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Lukas Schamriß
Topological quantum phase transition in the trilayer Ising toric code
finished 2021-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Calvin Christoph Krämer
Magnetische Anregungen des Kagome-Ising-Modells mit statischer Unordnung
finished 2020-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Lukas Heunisch
Magnetische Anregungen des J1-J2-J3-Ising Modells mit transversalem Feld auf dem Kagomegitter
finished 2020-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Viktor Kott
Topological phase transitions of the toric code on a honeycomb lattice
finished 2020-10
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Marie Hofmann
Magnetische Anregungen einer Quantenspinleiter in einem optischen Resonator
finished 2020-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Raymond Wiedmann
Topological phase transition in the bilayer Ising toric code
finished 2020-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Roman Kemper
Einfluss der Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya-Wechselwirkung auf das Anregungsspektrum von XXZ-Leitern
finished 2020-05
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Robin Maar
One-particle properties of disordered Toric Codes in a field
finished 2020-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Jonas Rohn
Magnetic clusters coupled to light
finished 2019-08
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Lea Lenke
Derivation of the pCUT U - Application to topological order
finished 2019-04
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Alena Celine Brändle
Perturbativer Zugang zu dimerisierten Quantenspinsystemen mit Unordnung
finished 2019-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Magdalena Maria Ritzau
Excitation energies of the ordered long-range transverse field Ising chain
finished 2019-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Anna-Luisa Römling
Anregungen in einem erweiterten Shastry-Sutherland-Modell
finished 2018-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Jan Alexander Koziol
A low-field approach to the transverse-field long-range Ising model on infinite-cylinder triangular lattices
finished 2018-07
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Leon Schiller
Matrix-Störungstheorie und gebundene Zustände für eine anisotrope S=1 Heisenberg-Kette
finished 2018-03
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Ardin Ibraimi
Quantenzustände in Quasikristallen
finished 2017-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt and Michael Schmiedeberg - Patrick Adelhardt
Quantum phase transition on the dimerized spin-one chain
finished 2017-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Paul Wunderlich
Spektrale Dichten ungeordneter Quantenspinleiter mittels Molekularfeldtheorie
finished 2017-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Max Hörmann
Dynamical correlations of disordered one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets
finished 2017-08
supervised by Kai Schmidt - Adrian Schratt
Wechselspiel von periodischen Flussfüllungen und spinlosen Fermionen auf einer Wabenleiter
finished 2015-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Robin Röhrig
Eigenschaften magnetischer Flüsse auf einer quasi-eindimensionalen Wabenleiter spinloser Fermionen
finished 2015-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Tobias Tischler
Quantenantiferromagnet mit S = 1 auf dem Kagomegitter im trimerisierten Limes
finished 2015-02
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Felix Schwietert
Toric Code auf quasi-eindimensionalen Gittern
finished 2014-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - David Schneider
Non-perturbative Analysis of Crystals Formed by Bound Triplet States on the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice
finished 2014-07
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Hannes Franke
Optimale Flusskonfigurationen bei endlichen Vortexdichten
finished 2014-07
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Jonas Haarz
Quantenphasenübergänge im Isingmodell auf frustrierten Polygonketten
finished 2014-07
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Marvin Hille
Frustriertes Ising Modell auf Diamantketten mit zusätzlichen Kopplungen
finished 2014-07
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Sascha Heußen
Effektive magnetische Flusswechselwirkung für spinlose Fermionen auf dem Bienenwabengitter
finished 2014-07
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Jan Hüdepohl
Physik der polarisierten Phase im Ising-Modell im transversalem Magnetfeld in beliebigen Dimensionen
finished 2014-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Julia Röchner
Pseudo-Spin Anregungen des Ising-Modells im transversalem Magnetfeld auf dem hyperkubischen Gitter
finished 2014-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Paul Westphälinger
Einfluss von magnetischen Flüssen auf freie Fermionen in zwei Dimensionen
finished 2013-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Maik Malki
Physik magnetisch frustrierter Sägezahnketten
finished 2013-08
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Wiebke Malitz
Lokale Moden im transversalen Isingmodell auf Diamantketten und Dice-Gitter
finished 2013-07
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Marcel Bornemann
Klassischer Limes gestörter eindimensionaler Clusterzustände für messungsbasierte Quantencomputer
finished 2012-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Sebastian Fey
Nächste-Nachbar-Spineis im transversalem Magnetfeld
finished 20141-06
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Dominik Ixert
Klassischer Limes und Spinwellentheorie für die Mottphase des Hubbardmodells auf dem Dreiecksgitter
finished 2010-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Henning Kalis
Clusterphase im schwachen Magnetfeld
finished 2010-09
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Michael Powalski
Limes isolierter Waben im kagomerisierten Kitaevmodell
finished 2010-08
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt - Mike Nemec
Quantenkorrekturen zu Magnetisierungsplateaux im Shastry-Sutherland-Modell
finished 2010-08
supervised by Kai Phillip Schmidt