Soft Matter Theory (Schmiedeberg)
Soft Matter is well-known to all of us from every day life as soft materials can be found almost everywhere, e.g., in food, cosmetics, soft elastic materials like rubber, or in biological systems. Almost all of these materials are stuck in metastable states far away from perfect equilibrium.
In our group we study the dynamics and the statistical properties of systems like gels, colloidal suspensions, or active particles in and out of equilibrium. In addition, we are interested in complex structures that might occur in soft materials including exotic orderings like quasicrystals.
Our special interests are in the fields of
- Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics
- Complex Structures
- Artificial Intelligence
- Biophysics
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Anomalous Diffusion
For instance, we study
- Jamming, Glassy Dynamics, and Gels
- Soft Quasicrystals
- Neural Networks in Soft Matter Physics
- Patchy Colloids
- Active Particles
- Motility of Bacteria
- Problems of Physics Competetitions (e.g. GPT/IPT)
As methods, we use
- Simulations (Brownian Dynamics, Molecular Dynamics, Metropolis-Monte-Carlo, Event-Chain Methods, Neural Networks…)
- Phase Field Crystal Models
- Fundamental Meassure Theory (as Classical Density Functional Theory)
- Lévy-Walks and Lévy-Flights
Prof. Dr. Michael Schmiedeberg
Principal Investigator of the Soft Matter Theory Group
Raum: Raum 02.582
Staudtstr. 7/B3
91058 Erlangen
Raum: Raum 02.582
Staudtstr. 7/B3
91058 Erlangen
Curriculum Vitae: